What is Natural Bypass – EECP Treatment?
The next-generation EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) therapy is a treatment method that improves the functioning
‘We protect your heart health with a holistic and functional approach. We intervene in cardiovascular problems with up-to-date and new generation interventional procedures with great experience. Your cardiovascular health is our strength.’
The most basic way to protect our heart is to implement simple lifestyle changes and have annual cardiovascular check-ups. Accordingly, our aim is to evaluate your cardiovascular health holistically, review your lifestyle and provide functional recommendations tailored to you.
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We have quickly compiled all the topics, diagnosis and treatment methods with Heart Health and Diseases that you are curious about.
With current and new generation procedures, patients’ life expectancy can become longer and more comfortable, and vital functions can be restored.
Peripheral Angiography and Stenting Peripheral Angiography The Turkish...
Carotid (carotid artery) Angiography We have carotid arteries (commonly known...
With new generation Interventional Cardiology procedures, cardiovascular blockages can be detected early and opened with balloon/stent techniques, and sudden rhythm disorders in patients can be prevented with new generation pacemakers.
You can watch all curious questions about heart attack, cardiovascular occlusion, heart failure and arrhythmia on our Youtube channel.
Моей маме понадобился кардиостимулятор. Мы пришли к моему учителю Мохаммеду. Нас выписали на следующий день. Мне было страшно, но боли не было. Все очень вовлечены. Спасибо за все
Acudí a mi maestro Muhammed para el procedimiento de ablación que he estado investigando durante mucho tiempo. Todo estuvo bien antes y después de la operación. Hay un lado que es tranquilizador y no pierde el interés. Buena suerte con tus esfuerzos, estoy mejor ahora.
Aufgrund von Herzinsuffizienz hatte ich Schwellungen in meinen Beinen und ich litt unter Kurzatmigkeit. Ich ging in die Behandlung meines Lehrers und erholte mich in kurzer Zeit. Vielen Dank an meine Lehrerin.
hello everyone. I applied to Muhammed Hodja with complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath. Angio was performed with the results of the examination and examination. Thank you very much for your interest and involvement.
Başka hastanede teşhisi konmuş olan Aort damar genişliği kontrol ve tedavi süreci ile ilgili kendisine muayene oldum, Doçent olmasına rağmen mesleğe yeni başlamış bir doktor gibi enerjisi yüksek, hekimlik kalitesi üst düzey, bıkmadan usanmadan teşhis ve tedavi ile ilgili çok ayrıntılı bilgilendiriyor.
Babamın boyun damarlarında tıkanıklık vardı.Birinde %90 ve diğerinde %90 üzerindeydi. 15 gün aralıkla iki tane şah damarına stend işlemi yaptı.Hiçbir sıkıntı yaşamadan Allah'a şükür atlattık.
Annemin bugün hayatta olmasını sağlayan kişidir.Annem felç geçirmişti, hafifti. 170 nabızla zor hastaneye götürmüştük, tansiyon çok yüksekti.Muhammed Bey'in verdiği ilaç ve uyguladığı tedaviyle annem çok kısa sürede kendine geldi.Mükemmel bir doktor.
Muhammet hocam tanışmamız ortak bir arkadaşımızın sayesinde oldu bende yol yürürken ve merdiven çıkarken ğögüs kısmında yanma oluyordu Muhammet hocama bunları anlattıgım da bir efor testi yapalım dedi efor testi yaptıgımızda zor bitirdim testin sonucuna göre anjio kararı aldık iyi ki de almış iki damarım tıkalı oldugu görüldü stent takıldı şimdi çok iyi yim kendisine sonsuz teşekkürlerimi sunarım,
The next-generation EECP (Enhanced External Counterpulsation) therapy is a treatment method that improves the functioning
ASD (Atrial Septal Defect) Closure What is ASD (Atrial septal defect)? What is ASD? The
Contrary to popular belief, angiography is a diagnostic method rather than a treatment. It involves
What is chronic total occlusion/CTO treatment? When a coronary artery is fully blocked for at
They said to my wife that Angio can be done in another institution and we can't insert a Stent, we need a by-pass. At that time, we came to Muhammedbe on recommendation. Thank God, he saved us from bypass, we continue with the stent in a healthy way. From now on, it is the only address for both us and our environment. you are good