Diagnosis and Treatment Methods

Rhythm Holter

Rhythm Holter Monitoring (Holter ECG) Patients who complain of palpitations due to arrhythmias (tachycardia, bradycardia, frequent premature beats) and conduction disturbances (blocks) that...

Blood Pressure Holter

Blood Pressure Holter (Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring) Our blood pressure values can fluctuate throughout the day. They rise with excitement, stress, and physical...


COLOR DOPPLER ECOCARDIOGRAPHY (ECO HEART ULTASOUND) Sending ultrasound waves to the heart from the front of the chest with a device and converting...

Electrocardiography (ECG)

What is ECG (Electrocardiography)? How to Withdraw? There is a center in our hearts called the sinus node that produces electrical impulses at...

Exercise ECG

Exercise ECG (Exertion Test, Exercise Electrocardiography, Running Test) The resting EKGs taken apart from patients with heart attack and significantly severe coronary artery...

Coronary CT Angiography

Computed Tomographic Angiography (Coronary CT/Virtual Angiography) Computed tomographic angiography, also known as CT angiography or CTA, is a method that combines traditional computed...

Transesophageal Echocardiography

Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE, TOE, Endoscopic ECHO) Similar to endoscopy, a probe approximately 90-100 cm in length is swallowed after numbing the throat and...


Treatment of Palpitations by Burning or Freezing (Ablation) Various malfunctions can occur in the heart's normal conduction and impulse system due to a...

Coronary Angiography

Wrist (Radial) Angiography How to Perform Angiography from the Wrist or Arm (Radial) Coronary angiography, or angiography from the arm, is a procedure...

Carotid Angiography

Carotid (carotid artery) Angiography We have carotid arteries (commonly known as the "carotid artery") on both sides of our neck. Carotid artery disease...

Peripheral Angiography

Peripheral Angiography and Stenting Peripheral Angiography The Turkish equivalent of the term "artery" is "atar damar." Arteries can be defined as the tube...

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